Den her fyr kom hjem fra sin militærtur og var så sur, at det eneste, han havde lyst til, var at kneppe den luder, han havde derhjemme, som en sædspand.
Smoking hot body on this one, loved those cork sandals too!
over 4 år siden
Whenever it's a punishing scene it is automatically a great scene. Punishing muslim sluts is so hot and that's what hijab fetish is all about. This scene was good, however would have loved if Koran was more visible during the scene. However, great video.
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Smoking hot body on this one, loved those cork sandals too!
Whenever it's a punishing scene it is automatically a great scene. Punishing muslim sluts is so hot and that's what hijab fetish is all about. This scene was good, however would have loved if Koran was more visible during the scene. However, great video.
Your suggestion is bullshit